We adopted our first old dog in 2016.

Since then, our home has been a permanent and temporary crash pad for more than 30 old dogs.

We’re Adrian and Spencer, and we live in Seattle with our 6 permanent dogs (plus whoever we’re fostering at the time!)

We started sharing about our old dogs on Instagram and TikTok, and have enjoyed building a community of folks who love old dogs as much as we do.

Our favorite part about adopting old dogs is seeing them live their second chance. Many of our old dogs have undergone a serious glow-up - it’s an honor to see them bloom.

Stay golden,

& adopt old dogs.

We think that there are a million reasons to adopt old dogs.

(and, many of them have nothing to do with doing a good deed).

Lifestyle matching

Look, not everyone wants a dog who needs 6 mile walks everyday. Some of us are couch potatoes. Many old dogs are calm, and more low energy - great cuddles!

Their personality is formed

Sure, animals change over time - but it’s so helpful to know as much as possible about a dog’s personality before you bring them home.

Information about their past

Many old dogs come to be homeless after living with a human companion for years. Some of our dogs came with information about them, and their temperament. If a dog has gone through the shelter system, chances are you have a pretty good idea what their medical needs will be.

This can make home match-making much easier, and allow folks to adopt responsibly.


Have you ever cuddled an old dog? Because there is truly nothing better than old dog cuddles. They are better than young dog cuddles, and no I will not be elaborating.


Lol, this one's a joke. BUT - people who love old dogs, like, LOVE old dogs. We’ve made a lot of friends through adopting old dogs.

And, on the flip side, if you ever need to get out of a social engagement, there’s no excuse that hits quite like “oooh, sorry, but I need to give Eugene his medicine”

Sure, you’re also being a “good person”

It is beyond rewarding to bring home a dog that really needs a home. You might even get the chance to see their second chance puppyhood!

And, in all seriousness - it’s disempowering to feel like there’s nothing you can do to help xzy problem. Bringing home an old dog allows you to change that dog’s whole world.