Meet our forever dogs.

We currently have 5 dogs, and they’re keeping us very busy! We also foster for several local organizations, and often have a small senior foster dog living with us.

The Dogs

  • Eugene

    Eugene is a 15 year old German Short-Haired Pointer adopted from Kauai in December 2020. He is known for wearing grandpa sweaters, planting himself in the middle of the path when we’re out on out on walks to get more pets, and crying dramatically when he doesn’t get enough attention.

    He has chronic allergies that affect his skin and ears, and osteoarthritis. He also struggles enormously with “young dog syndrome,” as we like to say - he fully believes he can do everything the younger dogs can do, and gets very frustrated when his humans warn him to slow down.

  • Emma

    Emma is a 15 year old Toy Poodle adopted from our local shelter in February 2022. Like her brother Eugene, she is also known for fancy sweaters and screaming for attention, but she would like everyone to know that she believes herself to be superior to him in every other way. Emma regularly terrorizes dogs 10 times her size - her favorite thing to do is prove that sometimes the mightiest things come in the tiniest packages.

    She has osteoarthritis, kidney disease (that has actually improved since being adopted), thyroid deficiency, and just a general bad attitude.

  • Gus (aka the Potato, aka RatRat)

    Gus is a 9 year old Chihuahua/Rat Terrier adopted from San Diego Humane Society in September 2021. Gus is our first foster fail - we intended to adopt him out, but when his bonded brother died, we couldn’t say goodbye to Gus. This dog-potato’s favorite things to do include snarling at his mom when she gets too close to his dad, going on long walks on the beach with his dad, cuddling with his dad, and curling up in his Potato Sack (his envelope bed).

    He has luxating patellas and osteoarthritis. He’s also just kind of a dick.

  • Kalohi 🌈

    Kalohi is a 16 year old Miniature Pinscher adopted from Kauai in September 2022. He loves cuddling up with Eugene, snoozing in the sun, and immediately climbing on top of any human who is sitting on the ground.

    Kalohi has Cushing’s, a disease that causes an increase in cortisol production due to a growing tumor on either the pituitary gland or the adrenal gland. This leads to a myriad of difficult symptoms, including increased urination, severe anxiety, and hair thinning. We are closely monitoring Kalohi’s quality of life in order to ensure that he stays comfortable and pain-free as long as possible.

  • Millie

    Millie was adopted in May 2019 after she spent the first 3 years of her life as a street dog in Mexico. She is the classic “looks like a teddy bear, could kill you” dog. She has some reactivity, but has come very far in her training and is really enjoying being a foster sibling to dogs that come through - as long as they have the right temperment. We like to call Millie “the Enforcer” - she and Emma are the captains of our home.

    Millie’s only health issues are eating things she shouldn’t and needing very expensive emergency surgeries.

  • Teddy

    Teddy was adopted in April of 2021 from Mexico after his humans were no longer able to care for him. He had experienced a lot of neglect and ended up receiving very compassionate care from the woman who found him. He is the favorite dog of everyone who knows us in real life. He loves cuddles, has the fluffiest fur, and the cutest zoomies.

    Like Millie, Teddy has some reactivity - he is an alert barker, and also is very afraid of birds flying in the sky. We are working on positive reinforcement training with him to support him in lowering his anxiety.